
08/2023 Our preview on structurally complex materials with nonrandom disorder is out on Matter!

04/2023 Xiaokang presented on MRS Spring Meeting in Sessions SB09.11 and EL03.06.

04/2023 Xiaokang defended his thesis. Read the thesis here. Wang, Xiaokang (2023): MECHANICS IN ORGANIC MIXED IONIC-ELECTRONIC CONDUCTORS. Purdue University Graduate School. Thesis.

02/2023 Xiaokang received the Best Poster award from the MoChA Symposium of the  Electrochemical Society Student Chapter at Purdue University.

11/2022 Xiaokang received the prestigious R. H. Kohr Graduate Student Fellowship!

10/2022 Xiaokang received the Best Poster Award from the Notre Dame-Purdue Soft Matter & Polymers Symposium!

08/2022 Xiaokang received the Purdue COE Travel Grant and the student funding from SES to attend the Society of Engineering Science 2022 Technical Meeting in Texas AM in October. The oral presentation is at 11:40  am on 17th and the poster presentation is 7-9 pm on 17th. 

04/2022  Xiaokang received the Outstanding Graduate Research Award from College of Engineering, Purdue University.

01/2020  "Mechanical breathing" in smart windows. Covered by Purdue ME.

Xiaokang's defense. 03/23

MoChA Symposium of the Electrochemical Society Student Chapter at Purdue University. 02/23

Notre Dame - Purdue Soft Matter & Polymers Symposium. 10/22

SES Annual Technical Meeting. 10/22

Purdue COE Outstanding Graduate Research Award. 04/22

Purdue ME NEWS: "Mechanical breathing" in smart windows. 01/20